Make sure your readers know about the Media Council

3 May

As a member of the MPA, your magazine is covered by the NZ Media Council . We pay the fees on your behalf, and sponsor a magazine representative (Rosemary Barraclough) on the council.

This gives your readers an assurance that your title is adhering to good editorial standards, and is an avenue to resolve any complaints.

If you belong to the MPA, you should have a blurb along the lines of the one below.    A spot check of member publications the other day showed that quite a few don’t have it, so check now to make sure your title complies.  Any questions, contact [email protected].

"This [newspaper/magazine/website/blog/author] is subject to NZ Media Council procedures. A complaint must first be directed in writing, within one month of publication, to the [editor’s/website author’s] email address.  If not satisfied with the response, the complaint may be referred to the Media Council P O Box 10-879, The Terrace, Wellington 6143; [email protected].  Or use the online complaint form at"

Please include copies of the article and all correspondence with the publication.